Fanart battletech marauder 3d model assembly kit 3D for print

 Fanart battletech marauder 3d model assembly kit  3d model for 3d printers

 Fanart battletech marauder 3d model assembly kit  3d model for 3d printers
 Fanart battletech marauder 3d model assembly kit  3d model for 3d printers Fanart battletech marauder 3d model assembly kit  3d model for 3d printers Fanart battletech marauder 3d model assembly kit  3d model for 3d printers Fanart battletech marauder 3d model assembly kit  3d model for 3d printers Fanart battletech marauder 3d model assembly kit  3d model for 3d printers Fanart battletech marauder 3d model assembly kit  3d model for 3d printers Fanart battletech marauder 3d model assembly kit  3d model for 3d printers Fanart battletech marauder 3d model assembly kit  3d model for 3d printers Fanart battletech marauder 3d model assembly kit  3d model for 3d printers Fanart battletech marauder 3d model assembly kit  3d model for 3d printers Fanart battletech marauder 3d model assembly kit  3d model for 3d printers Fanart battletech marauder 3d model assembly kit  3d model for 3d printers Fanart battletech marauder 3d model assembly kit  3d model for 3d printers
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3d model description

FanArt Battletech Marauder 3D Model Assembly Kit free 3D print model
The 3D model represents a face-lift of Marauder Mech. Just like the other, the 3D model features ball joints, which increase its workability and operability.
This Marauder 3D model consists of 19 separate parts. All parts are designed to fit onto 19x19 cm print bed. They are created in Autodesk Maya and converted into STL files. The files are checked and corrected in Netfabb.
There’s a detailed video guide on the assembly of the 3D model.
This Marauder 3D model with changed looks will fit perfectly into the collection of your 3D printed MWO Mechs.
More Amazing Battletech (Mechwarriors) Assembly Kits go here:
MWO King Crab + Guns
BattleMaster 3D Model | Assembly
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and etc here:

3d model print parameters

Layer Height: 0.1 mm
Initial Layer Height: 0.3 mm
Line Width: 0.4 mm
Wall Line Width: 0.4 mm
Outer Wall Line Width: 0.4 mm
Inner Wall(s)... Line Width: 0.4 mm
Top/Bottom Line Width: 0.4 mm
Infill Line Width: 0.4 mm
Skirt/Brim Line Width: 0.4 mm
Support Line Width: 0.4 mm
Initial Layer Line Width: 100%
Wall Thickness: 0.8 mm
Wall Line Count: 2
Outer Wall Wipe Distance: 0.2 mm
Top Surface Skin Layers: 0
Top/Bottom Thickness: 0.8 mm
Top Thickness: 0.8 mm
Top Layers: 8
Bottom Thickness: 0.8 mm
Bottom Layers: 8
Top/Bottom Pattern: Lines
Bottom Pattern Initial Layer: Lines
Top/Bottom Line Directions: [ ]
Outer Wall Inset: 0 mm
Compensate Wall Overlaps: Check
Compensate Outer Wall Overlaps: Check
Compensate Inner Wall Overlaps: Check
Fill Gaps Between Walls: Everywhere
Filter Out Tiny Gaps: Check
Horizontal Expansion: 0 mm
Initial Layer Horizontal Expansion: 0 mm
Z Seam Alignment: Sharpest Corner
Seam Corner Preference: Hide Seam
Ignore Small Z Gaps: Check
Extra Skin Wall Count: 1
Infill Density: 20% (100% for all parts of connectors)
Infill Line Distance: 4.0 mm
Infill Pattern: Grid
Infill Line Directions: [ ]
Infill X Offset: 0 mm
Infill Y Offset: 0 mm
Infill Overlap Percentage: 10%
Infill Overlap: 0.04 mm
Skin Overlap Percentage: 5%
Skin Overlap: 0.02 mm
Infill Wipe Distance: 0.1 mm
Infill Layer Thickness: 0.1 mm
Gradual Infill Steps: 1
Gradual Infill Steps Height: 1.5 mm
Infill Before Walls: Check
Minimum Infill Area: 0 mm2
Skin Removal Width: 0.8 mm
Top Skin Removal Width: 0.8 mm
Bottom Skin Removal Width: 0.8 mm
Skin Expand Distance: 0.8
Top Skin Expand Distance: 0.8
Bottom Skin Expand Distance: 0.8
Maximum Skin Angle for Expansion: 90˚
Minimum Skin Width for Expansion: 0.0
Initial Layer Flow: 100%
Enable Retraction: Check
Retraction Extra Prime Amount: 0 mm3
Retraction Minimum Travel: 0.8 mm
Maximum Retraction Count: 90
Minimum Extrusion Distance Window: 6.5 mm
Nozzle Switch Retraction Distance: 16 mm
Nozzle Switch Retraction Speed: 20 mm/s
Nozzle Switch Retract Speed: 20 mm/s
Nozzle Switch Prime Speed: 20 mm/s
Print Speed: 45 mm/s
Infill Speed: 50 mm/s
Wall Speed: 22.5 mm/s
Outer Wall Speed: 22.5 mm/s
Inner Wall Speed: 45 mm/s
Top/Bottom Speed: 15 mm/s
Support Speed: 45 mm/s
Support Infill Speed: 45 mm/s
Travel Speed: 60 mm/s
Initial Layer Speed: 22.5 mm/s
Initial Layer Print Speed: 22.5 mm/s
Initial Layer Travel Speed: 30 mm/s
Skirt/Brim Speed: 30 mm/s
Maximum Z Speed: 0 mm/s
Number of Slower Layers: 2
Combing Mode: All
Avoid Printed Parts when Traveling: Check
Travel Avoid Distance: 0.6562 mm
Layer Start X: 0.0 mm
Layer Start Y: 0.0 mm
Enable Print Cooling: Check
Fan Speed: 100%
Regular Fan Speed: 100%
Maximum Fan Speed: 100%
Regular/Maximum Fan Speed Threshold: 10 s
Initial Fan Speed: 0%
Regular Fan Speed at Height: 0.3 mm
Regular Fan Speed at Layer: 2
Minimum Layer Time: 5 s
Minimum Speed: 10 mm/s
Generate Support: Check
Support Placement: Everywhere
Support Overhang Angle: 50°
Support Pattern: Zig Zag
Connect Support ZigZags: Check
Support Density: 15 %
Support Line Distance: 1.3333 mm
Support Z Distance: 0.3 mm
Support Top Distance: 0.3 mm
Support Bottom Distance: 0.3 mm
Support X/Y Distance: 1 mm
Support Distance Priority: Z overrides X/Y
Minimum Support X/Y Distance: 0.25 mm
Support Stair Step Height: 0.3 mm
Support Stair Step Maximum Width: 5.0 mm
Support Join Distance: 2.0 mm
Support Horizontal Expansion: 0.2 mm
Support Infill Layer Thickness: 0.1 mm
Gradual Support Infill Steps: 0
Use Towers: Check
Tower Diameter: 3.0 mm
Minimum Diameter: 3.0 mm
Tower Roof Angle: 65°
Build Plate Adhesion
Build Plate Adhesion Type: Brim
Skirt/Brim Minimum Length: 250 mm
Brim Width: 8.0 mm
Brim Line Count: 18
Brim Only on Outside: Check
Mesh Fixes
Union Overlapping Volumes: Check
Merged Meshes Overlap: 0.15 mm
Special Modes
Print Sequence: All at Once
Surface Mode: Normal
Slicing Tolerance: Middle
Maximum Resolution: 0.01 mm
Flow rate compensation max extrusion offset: 0 mm
Flow rate compensation factor: 100%


Mech Mwo Robot Marauder Battletech 3d Print


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