Cultists (28/32mm scale) 3D for print

 Cultists (28/32mm scale)  3d model for 3d printers

 Cultists (28/32mm scale)  3d model for 3d printers
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3d model description

En expanded version of the cultists included with out D6Modular Quest game, The Curse of Moht, featuring slightly different poses and the option f...or curved knives in place of swords. All models print without support (though the arms must be glued in place), and are shown here with a couple of demons from our upcoming Kingdoms of Hell project.

For those of you thinking about supporting us on Patreon, our patrons get special access to our store releases as they come out (not to mention license options to sell printed versions of our designs).


3D file format: STL
Publication date: 2018/12/07 at 10:35


28mm 32mm Boardgame Boardgames Cthulhu Cult Cultist Dnd Dnd5e Dungeons Dungeons_and_dragons Fantasy Frostgrave Game Games Gaming Horror Kingdoms_of_hel Miniature Miniatures Monster Mordheim Pathfinder Roieplaying Rpg Tabletop Tabletop_gaming The_call_of_c


CC Atribution

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