A collection of 34 different all purpose, ready-to-print, print-in-place hinges from 30 x 20 mm (1.2 x 0.8") to 100 x 50 mm (3.9 x 2").
They are su...rprisingly strong and come in thirteen sizes and in two flavors, 180° and 270°. This means that they can either be opened to a maximum angle of 180° or 270°, depending on what you need them for (it may come handy when the hinge stops at 180° but sometimes you may need the full 270° - also see the image above). Actually I just needed a few hinges for a woodworking project and was just too lazy to adapt some existing design - ended up making a few more and thought it might be worth sharing. :-)
PRINTING. This should be an extremely simple (and fast) print. You should not need any supports or plate adhesion. Print-in-place simply means that you only need to print a single piece (rather than 2 pieces and a rod) and that it does not require any assembling. Print in 0.1 mm (for me 0.2 with adaptive layers also works) resolution with 50%+ infill (on any moderately well calibrated printer).
I print all mine using some cheap, strong, and easy to print Carbon Fiber PLA but any strong filament (that does no stringing) will do.
They also look real good in Silk Silver or Gold, but may not be as strong.
SIZES.These are the sizes currently included (size is width across both parts x height, all in 180° and 270° - they are all 4 mm thick, except for the x30 mm hinges, which are available in 3 and 4 mm):
100 x 50 mm (3.9 x 2")
100 x 40 mm (3.9 x 1.6")
80 x 50 mm (3.1 x 2")
80 x 40 mm (3.1 x 1.6")
60 x 50 mm (2.4 x 2")
60 x 40 mm (2.4 x 1.6")
40 x 40 mm (1.6 x 1.6")
40 x 30 mm (1.6 x 1.2") (in 3 and 4 mm)
36 x 30 mm (1.4 x 1.2") (in 3 and 4 mm)
30 x 30 mm (1.2 x 1.2") (in 3 and 4 mm)
24 x 30 mm (0.9 x 1.2") (in 3 and 4 mm)
40 x 20 mm (1.6 x 0.8")
30 x 20 mm (1.2 x 0.8")
PS.: The 30 mm hinges (## x 30 mm) are available 3 AND 4 mm thick. The 3 mm hinges work well but are considerably more fragile, so if you are having issues with stability, try the same size in 4 mm.