2 inch action figure for heavy walkers 3D for print

 2 inch action figure for heavy walkers  3d model for 3d printers

 2 inch action figure for heavy walkers  3d model for 3d printers
 2 inch action figure for heavy walkers  3d model for 3d printers
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3d model description

Printable Tiny Action Figure
Assembly is required.

Assemble instruction is in my youtube channel

*"Right_Arm2_No ...support.stl" and "Left_Arm2_No support.stl" are must print without supports.

*No extra parts needed, which are can't make with 3D printer such as metallic springs, bolts and etc.

*The parts are designed and tested to fit each other, however the tolerance is depends on a 3d-printer's condition.
Please remove the supports completely. May need a sandpaper or cutter while assemble the parts.
Use a raw 1.75mm filament and super glue while assemble the parts.

*This Action figure is a pilot of Heavy Walkers.
1. Heavy Construction Walker ( https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/gadget/heavy-construction-walker-action-figure )
2. Heavy Gun Walker ( https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/gadget/heavy-gun-walker )
3. Heavy Artillery Walker ( https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/gadget/heavy-artillery-walker-action-figure )

*The hands are compatible with Lego parts.

The object tested by FDM 3d printer with PLA and ABS filament

3d model print parameters

Layer height:

Shell count: 3e

Fill density: 100%

No (Visor_Gold_No Support, Right_Arm2_Gray_No Support, Left_Arm2_Gray_No ...Support.stl)
Yes (Rest of all)

Time to do: about 80 - 100 minutes

Technology: FDM

Material: PLA or ABS

Dimensions: about 25mm x 49mm x 14mm

Material Quantity: about 7g

3D file format: STL
Last update: 2021/03/31 at 08:20
Publication date: 2021/02/26 at 13:32


Machine Robot Action figure Figure Toy Mechwarrior Gun Machine gun Tank Heavy Heavy walker Walker Lego Lego figurmachine Robot Action figure Figure Toy Mechwarrior Gun Machine gun Tank Heavy Heavy walker Walker Lego Lego figure


CC Atribution

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