Iron man mk6 mk 6 suit 3D for print

 Iron man mk6 mk 6 suit  3d model for 3d printers

 Iron man mk6 mk 6 suit  3d model for 3d printers
 Iron man mk6 mk 6 suit  3d model for 3d printers Iron man mk6 mk 6 suit  3d model for 3d printers Iron man mk6 mk 6 suit  3d model for 3d printers Iron man mk6 mk 6 suit  3d model for 3d printers Iron man mk6 mk 6 suit  3d model for 3d printers Iron man mk6 mk 6 suit  3d model for 3d printers Iron man mk6 mk 6 suit  3d model for 3d printers Iron man mk6 mk 6 suit  3d model for 3d printers Iron man mk6 mk 6 suit  3d model for 3d printers Iron man mk6 mk 6 suit  3d model for 3d printers Iron man mk6 mk 6 suit  3d model for 3d printers Iron man mk6 mk 6 suit  3d model for 3d printers Iron man mk6 mk 6 suit  3d model for 3d printers Iron man mk6 mk 6 suit  3d model for 3d printers Iron man mk6 mk 6 suit  3d model for 3d printers Iron man mk6 mk 6 suit  3d model for 3d printers Iron man mk6 mk 6 suit  3d model for 3d printers Iron man mk6 mk 6 suit  3d model for 3d printers Iron man mk6 mk 6 suit  3d model for 3d printers Iron man mk6 mk 6 suit  3d model for 3d printers Iron man mk6 mk 6 suit  3d model for 3d printers Iron man mk6 mk 6 suit  3d model for 3d printers Iron man mk6 mk 6 suit  3d model for 3d printers
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3d model description

update 07.01.2018: uploaded sketch for back and helmet.
Here are my files for a complete Iron Man MK6 suit.
It looks great, but it is NOT comfortabl...e.
And because it is halloweentime I added a battledamaged mask for the helmet.
Here is a video of the moving faceplate. Special thanks to "redeathray" for checking my code and helping me.
The pictures show me trying out all parts.The electronics are not yet completed, but I think you are more interrested in the files.
One picture shows a small version of the MK6 helmet as battledamaged. I gonne use it as decoration for Halloween.
I prefere the MK3 helmet to wear. I like the look more.
You can download it from "jhon De Sousa" on the following link:
Most parts are founded on the following 24cm high Iron Man MK6 shell figure from "RohitVen". I asked him to rework and publish his files as a costume and he agreed to.
The gloves are made of a Papakura file. The glove is originaly made by "zabana" and remixed by "darkside501st". Below the original link for the glove:
As arc reactor I used this Modell from "Thaurus":
All parts were made for a Prusa I3 with a 220x220x240mm buildplate.
If you have any problems or find parts which are to big please contact me and I will do my best to change it.
Except of the printed parts, some buckles (printed or bought), elastic strap and a lot of soft foam for a little comfort you will need the following parts:
Helm: 4x M4 Bush, MG995 Servo, any arduinoor other micro controller, at least 8x LED white, 4x M4x10, 4x M3x20, 4x M3 nut, acrylglass, 2x contactor , (or 1x, depending on the sketch you use)
Neck: EVA foam for a comfortable and flexible neck (if you want to make a neck)
Chest: acrylglass 2x M4x40, 2x M4 nut,
ABS: EVA foam for a comfortable and flexible sideparts
Lower arm (each): some springs for a backflipping handplate, M4x20, M4 nut
Gloves (each): 4x LED White, 1x G4 COB LED spot, 1x contactor (to enable G4 COB as repulsor)
Hips: M4x25, M4 nut
Thigh: if you want the knee moving / flapping you will need four springs. I used a blow-dryer to make it a Little more comfortable, because they are really to narrow for my legs. But I could not resize them, because then they wont fit to the rest of the costume and it won't look good .
Shoe: a lot of foam to make it suitable.
Clipmount: it is made to attach the elastc strap. you will need a M4x25 and a M4 nut for each, you can connect the different parts by using a clips
It might be that some parts to not fit to your body. please check it bevor you print all.
I am about 1.8 meters high and I have a weight of 80kg. The following measures may help you:
head: 58cm
shoulders 53cm (from side to side)
chest: 105cm
waist: 90cm
hips: 104cm
If you got any questions feel free to ask and massage me.
I hope you enjoy it.


Costumechallenge Action figure Avengers Captain america Civil war Cosplay Costume Costume prop Disney Fancy Fantasy Hero Ironman Iron Man Marvel Suit Superhero the_avengers Thor


CC Attribution-NonCommercial

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