Nine different little low poly pumpkins ready to be printed for Halloween. Included are: Chompy, Slurpy, Crushy, Piercy, Slicey, Crunchy, Munchy, Smoo...chy and Squashy
They print quick without any support.
They can be stacked by snapping them together. LED lights can be put in them through the bottom.
Use single little pumpkins as decorations or stack them together then you can have them as a tower or hang them up.
The versions with Extra Edg...y in the name prevent the printer from smoothing out the edges. If you like to print them significantly bigger I recommend printing the normal version.
1 pumpkin takes around 5 gram of filament so with 1kg filament you could print roughly 200 little pumpkins.
Print the Cross Stand if you like to build a tower with them. Note: Some of the snapping connections can be a bit shaky.