Maker faire robot action figure pip (with supports): 2015 3d printer shoot out test models 3D for print

 Maker faire robot action figure pip (with supports): 2015 3d printer shoot out test models  3d model for 3d printers

 Maker faire robot action figure pip (with supports): 2015 3d printer shoot out test models  3d model for 3d printers
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Make Magazine

3d model description

Make Magazine's third annual 3D Printing Shootout was conducted using this file.
Make Magazine's third annual 3D Printing Shootout was conducted usin...g this file. This model is a derivative (with added supports) of the "Action Makey" ( created by le FabShop's creative director, Samuel N. Bernier (

Make: 3DP Test Team member, Tom Burtonwood ( added meshmixer supports our version to make the arm overhangs a little less extreme.

You can read all 26 machine reviews in Make:'s Annual Guide to 3D Printing 2015 ( (Volume 42).

Check out Kacie Hultgren's (PrettySmallThings) article on this model: Print in Place: The Additive Holy Grail: (


Robot Figure Toys Toy Game


CC Atribution

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