Loved the LED Bridge by Opossums (
) but wanted to add my own touch and make it simple and easy to print. ...
There are only 4 different parts to print that do not need supports.
I made the channel for the LED strip 12mm wide to fit all. I will also be doing updated designs of the base in future so keep checking back here! The whole bridge is just over 1 meter wide.
This light is great as it leaves virtually no shadows... which also means its awesome for filming whats happening on your desk... Enter the GoPro Mount!
see my remix for more details...
Parts You Need To Print:
2 x led_bridge_base.stl
1 x led_bridge_base_segment.stl
1 x led_bridge_base_segment_peg.stl
9 x led_bridge_segment.stl
**Parts You Need To Print:** 2 x led_bridge_base.stl 1 x led_b...ridge_base_segment.stl 1 x led_bridge_base_segment_peg.stl 9 x led_bridge_segment.stl Print all parts as are in the pictures. Pegs will need a little sand to help them fit. My bridge was printed in ICE filament's PET 2.85mm translucent blue from Amazon. In all, at 0.2mm layer height, it took around 35 hours to print. I used a standard 12v LED light strip off amazon and *recycled* an old 240-12v power supply inline with a Sonoff Wifi switch.