Day 18: a trollspawn casualty. The trollspawn are half-human/half-troll monstrosities birthed in the Jarnvidr ("Ironwood," a deep forest bordering... Midgard and Jotunheim) as expendable footsoldiers that can raid outlying human settlements when the sun is shining. A whole squad of these guys are coming to our Nine Worlds campaign, which is currently live on Kickstarter.
This model is scaled for standard miniature gaming (compatible with Games Workshop, Reaper, CMON, Hero Forge, and other major ranges), and prints support free. This is part of our Nine Worlds collection (more info there).
For those of you thinking about supporting us on Patreon, our patrons get special weekly model releases, access to new storefront releases and our entire back catalog, plus licensing options to sell printed versions of our designs.
3D file format: STL
3D model size: X 31.6 × Y 42.6 × Z 9.55 mm
Publication date: 2020/04/03 at 10:39