Covid-19 - gb 3d mask system n95 - protect 3D for print

 Covid-19 - gb 3d mask system n95 - protect  3d model for 3d printers

 Covid-19 - gb 3d mask system n95 - protect  3d model for 3d printers
 Covid-19 - gb 3d mask system n95 - protect  3d model for 3d printers Covid-19 - gb 3d mask system n95 - protect  3d model for 3d printers Covid-19 - gb 3d mask system n95 - protect  3d model for 3d printers Covid-19 - gb 3d mask system n95 - protect  3d model for 3d printers Covid-19 - gb 3d mask system n95 - protect  3d model for 3d printers Covid-19 - gb 3d mask system n95 - protect  3d model for 3d printers Covid-19 - gb 3d mask system n95 - protect  3d model for 3d printers Covid-19 - gb 3d mask system n95 - protect  3d model for 3d printers Covid-19 - gb 3d mask system n95 - protect  3d model for 3d printers Covid-19 - gb 3d mask system n95 - protect  3d model for 3d printers Covid-19 - gb 3d mask system n95 - protect  3d model for 3d printers Covid-19 - gb 3d mask system n95 - protect  3d model for 3d printers Covid-19 - gb 3d mask system n95 - protect  3d model for 3d printers Covid-19 - gb 3d mask system n95 - protect  3d model for 3d printers Covid-19 - gb 3d mask system n95 - protect  3d model for 3d printers Covid-19 - gb 3d mask system n95 - protect  3d model for 3d printers Covid-19 - gb 3d mask system n95 - protect  3d model for 3d printers Covid-19 - gb 3d mask system n95 - protect  3d model for 3d printers Covid-19 - gb 3d mask system n95 - protect  3d model for 3d printers Covid-19 - gb 3d mask system n95 - protect  3d model for 3d printers Covid-19 - gb 3d mask system n95 - protect  3d model for 3d printers Covid-19 - gb 3d mask system n95 - protect  3d model for 3d printers Covid-19 - gb 3d mask system n95 - protect  3d model for 3d printers Covid-19 - gb 3d mask system n95 - protect  3d model for 3d printers Covid-19 - gb 3d mask system n95 - protect  3d model for 3d printers Covid-19 - gb 3d mask system n95 - protect  3d model for 3d printers
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Giovanni Becchina

3d model description

BEFORE DOWNLOADING - Please read the full license. This is a free model, and you can share it. But you mus...t give appropiate credit and may not use it for commercial purposes, NO REMIX is allowed (absolutely no exceptions). If you find this model elsewhere and somehow breaks any of the stated license conditions you can send me a message so I can take appropriate measures. All rights are exclusively of the designer.

BEFORE PRINTING - I recommend to do a fine calibration of your printer before starting printing the mask and its parts. Check your horizontal expansion to ensure your pieces will fit properly (tutorial):

This 3D model has not been approved by any regulatory agency and has not passed any laboratory tests. It is a prototype designed by Giovanni Becchina (bgiovanny), created with the aim of providing emergency protective material to medical professionals who need it, given the current global shortage of supplies. It is not intended to replace any homologated mask, but to provide minimal protection. We cannot guarantee its operation, so use it at your own risk.

Update 18/04/20:
Someone told me that it is difficult to find rubber bands.
I made rubber bands to print in TPE.
I made a buckle for the baffles.

Update 09/04/20:
I made some improvements in the Cover_Filter_Box
I made some improvements in the Filter_Box

Update 03/04/20:
Some people were unable to make the membranes because they were too thin.
I changed the thickness of the membranes and the Cap_Valve.
If you have problems with membranes, print the new membranes and the new Cap_Valve.
I made some improvements in the mask.

Update 02/04/20:
Some people have reported to me that they have difficulty mounting the filter on the mask.
I made a new filter box, with a thickness greater than + 0.2mm where the gasket rests.
Some people do not find the seals for the filter.
I made the seals that can be printed in TPU or TPE "better the TPE".
Some people can't find 3M filters.
I made an adapter to mount a 3M 2138 P3 R or 3M 2135 P3 R filter.
Some people asked me to use a hygrobac filter instead of the 3M filter.
I made an adapter and a gasket to be able to mount the hygrobac filter.

In this terrible moment in history, COVID-19 has combined the ideas of many makers to help the whole world overcome this moment of crisis and limit the death of people as much as possible.

I made a prototype of reusable mask with interchangeable filter. The mask can be washed in water and 5% bleach.
The filter used is a 3M 5935 P3 or 3M 5N1, certified with the filtering percentage equal to 95% FFP3, the highest possible.

The mask is made up of 3 parts and is simple to make with FDM, SLS printers etc...
The mask is composed of: Filter, Mask with valves, Soft part.
The mask must be printed in PLA or PCL with supports on the part where the filter is to be installed. “see pictures”.
The soft part must be printed in TPU or TPE "better the TPE", to make it adhere better to the face.
The filter must be printed in PLA or PCL with supports on the part where the filter is to be inserted and on the part of the fixing. “see pictures”
The valves work with two silicone discs with a thickness of 0.20mm and a size as in the photo. As an alternative to silicone it is possible to print TPU or TPE discs "better the TPE", it is necessary to use a PEI or GLASS "smooth surface" printing surface. The smooth part is the part to be placed on the mask, the part that closes the valve.
The valve must be printed as shown on the photo on a PEI or GLASS "smooth surface" surface.

DO NOT print these parts on a rough surface, the valve will not work!
The exhaust valve must be inserted in the mask, use glue to guarantee the seal.
In the part of the PLA mask where the TPU or TPE part is to be connected, it is recommended to apply some glue. This will ensure the two sides to be airtight.
If the TPU or TPE part does not adhere well to your face, apply some Neoprene Stripping with adhesive, 15 or 20mm wide and 3mm thick.
I made four sizes: extra small, small, medium, large.

Only the soft part changes according to the size that best suits the face.
To keep the mask on your face, use elastic bands 4 or 5mm wide. Excellent elastic tailoring, made of cotton.
At the base of the filter holder, a rubber washer "one for plumbing, for taps" must be applied. Dimensions, internal 35mm external 45mm thickness 2mm.

The supports must be added manually in the slicer, I used Simplyfy 3D, which allows the manual insertion of the supports.
I am working on additional filter holders to be able to use other types of filters, such as the 3M 2138/2135 always P3.

The use of non-certified filters is not recommended, the exclusive use of commercially available certified filters is recommended.
Attached you will find the images relating to the mask and the print positioning.

3d model print parameters

1: First install the valve, take the Cap_Valve and insert the small membrane with the smooth part facing outwards into the seat.

2: Take the Ba...se_Valve and insert it into the Cap_Valve, pay attention to the insertion, press on the center and insert it straight up to the bottom. Be careful not to break the central pin.

3: Test the valve with your mouth to verify proper operation.

4: We take the mask and insert the large membrane into the central pin, with the smooth part facing the cross. We bring the membrane to the bottom of the pin, pressing lightly on the central edge.

5: We take a nail with a large head, heat the nail head slightly and place the hot nail over the central pin, so as to slightly dissolve the plastic. In this way the membrane can no longer come out. Be careful not to dissolve too much plastic or the membrane will no longer work. Check that the membrane turns freely around the pin.

6: Take the valve, insert it in the mask, pay attention to the direction. If you are not sure that the valve is well attached to the mask, you can put some glue on the edge of the valve inside the mask. "I have not used glue".

7: Take the soft part and insert it carefully into the mask. If the soft part fits easily into the mask, apply some glue to the mask before inserting the soft part.

8: We conclude the assembly by applying elascites on the appropriate supports.

Your mask is ready, let's proceed with the testing.

Put on the mask and make sure that the soft part adheres well to your face, otherwise, change the size of the soft part or apply some Neoprene Stripping with adhesive, 15 or 20mm wide and 3mm thick.
With the mask on, cover the front of the mask with the palm of your hand, where the filter is to be installed.
Try to breathe, if the mask adheres well to the face, you will find it hard to breathe and you will feel the air entering your face.
Now let's try to exhale, you will feel the air coming out from the exhaust valve side.

If the mask works we move on to installing the filter, if not, check the previous steps again.

We take the filter holder and apply a rubber gasket with a diameter of 35mm inside and 45mm outside 2mm thickness "look the photos".
We turn the filter holder and insert a 3M 5935 P3 filter, close the filter holder with the lid, pressing firmly all the way.

We install the filter on the mask.
Try the mask again by placing your palm on the filter and trying to breathe.

The project is given free, the sale for profit is not allowed, it is not allowed to make changes to the project or drawing.
The mask is NOT CERTIFIED and is not a MEDICAL device.
Perfect functioning is NOT guaranteed.


1: Montare prima la valvola, prendere il Cap_Valve e inserire la membrana piccola con la parte liscia rivolta verso l'esterno nella sede.

2: Prendere la Base_Valve e inserirla dentro la Cap_Valve, attenzione all'inserimento, pressate sul centro e inserite in modo dritto fino in fondo. Attenzione a non rompere il piolino centrale.

3: Provate la valvola con la vostra bocca, per verificare il funzionamento corretto.

4: Prendiamo la maschera e inseriamo nel pin centrale la membrana grande, con la parte liscia rivolta verso la croce. Portiamo la membrana fino in fondo al piolino, pressando leggermente sul bordo centrale.

5: Prendiamo un chiodo con la testa larga, riscaldiamo la testa del chiodo leggermente e poggiamo il chiodo caldo sopra il pin centrale, in modo da sciogliere leggermente la plastica. In questo modo la membrana non potrà più uscire. Attenzione a non sciogliere troppa plastica o la membrana non funzionerà più. Verificare che la membrana giri liberamente attorno al pin.

6: Prendiamo la valvola, inseriamola nella maschera, attenzione al verso. Se non siete sicuri che la valvola sia ben aderente alla maschera, potete mettere un pò di colla sul bordo della valvola all'interno della maschera. "io non ho usato colla".

7: Prendiamo la parte morbida e inseriamola con cura nella maschera. Se la parte morbida si inserisce facilmente nella maschera, applicate un pò di colla sulla maschera, prima di inserire la parte morbida.

8: Concludiamo il montaggio applicando degli elasciti sugli appositi supporti.

La vostra maschera è pronta, procediamo al collaudo.

Indossate la maschera e assicuratevi che la parte morbida aderisca bene al vostro viso, in caso contrario, cambiate la misura della parte morbida o applicate un pò di Neoprene Stripping with adhesive, largo 15 o 20mm e spesso 3mm.
Con la maschera indossata, coprite con il palmo della vostra mano la parte frontale della maschera, dove va installato il filtro.
Provate a respirare, se la maschera aderisce bene al volto, farete fatica a respirare e sentirete l'aria entrare dal viso.
Adesso proviamo ad espirare, sentirete l'aria uscire dalla parte della exhaust valve.

Se la maschera funziona passiamo all'installazione del filtro, in caso contrario, ricontrollare i passi precedenti.

Prendiamo il porta filtro e applicare una guarnizione in gomma del diametro di 35mm interno e 45mm esterno spessore 2mm "guarda foto".
Giriamo il porta filtro e inseriamo un filtro 3M 5935 P3, chiudiamo il portafiltro con il coperchio, pressando con forza fino in fondo.

Installiamo il filtro sulla maschera.
Provate nuovamente la maschera mettendo il palmo della mano sul filtro e provando a respirare.
Il progetto viene dato libero, non è consentita la vendita a scopo di lucro, non è consentito apportare modifiche al progetto o disegno.
La maschera NON è CERTIFICATA e non è un dispositivo MEDICO.
NON è garantito il perfetto funzionamento.

20 / 30 %
Not Important
Not Important
[ENGLISH] The membranes and the complete exhaust valve must be printed with a resolution of 0.1..! Don't change the print resolution or they won't work! Use a 0.25 or 0.4 nozzle. Do not use larger nozzles. The 0.25 nozzle is the best. Create supports as in the photos. [ITALIANO] Le membrane e la exhaust valve completa bisogna stamparla con risoluzione a 0.1..! Non modificare la risoluzione di stampa o non funzioneranno! Creare supporti come da foto. Utilizzare un nozzle da 0.25 o 0.4 non usare nozzle più grandi. Il nozzle da 0.25 è il migliore.


Covid Covid 19 Covid mask Mask Filter 3m Hospital Protection Face Facemask


CC Atribution

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