Through the magic of OpenSCAD and Customizer, you can now design your own custom ball in a cage by just moving some sliders and using a few pull-down ...menus. When I first designed "Ball in Cage with a Twist"
, I never imagined that I'd be able to create a customizable version. So just click on the "Open in Customizer" button and design your own version. When you are happy with your design, select "Create Thing" and an STL file will be automatically generated.
A few notes:
If you change the ball diameter, the 3D rendering won't change because everything is scaled from this parameter. Your STL file will reflect the selected diameter.
If you scroll the parameters window down, you will see a Resolution menu. Again the 3D rendering won't change if you change this value, but it will have an effect on the STL file.
If your design is tall, consider printing it horizontally. This might increase your printing success.
3d model print parameters
I used the following settings on my MakerBot Replicator2 to print this design. Support is definitely needed but a raft is optional. Infill = 10% Layer... Height = 0.200 Shells = 1 Feedrate = 40 Travel Feed = 55 Temperature = 220