Easily scrape paint off roller brush.
The diameter of the holes is 4.5 cm and 5 cm - depends on the height of the pile on the paint roller.
Why cl...ean the paint roller at all.
A new roller holds less paint. so you must return to the paint tray more often.
A used roller absorbs more paint from the tray. it means the roller will cover more wall. saving time and effort.
Tool encourages painters to clean rather than throw away rollers.
Furthermore, a new rollermayleave lint on the freshly painted wall.And you must either remove lint of a new roller or pick lint from the wall. Both are time consuming and frustrating.
Theused roller has already lost its loose fibers so they won’t be left on the wall.
A roller can hold a large amount of paint. and they are not cheap. Tossing them after every job is neither cost efficient. nor environmentally friendly.