Why have one face for your Jack O'Lantern when you could swap them out? ...
This Jack O'Lantern has interchangeable front and back faces so you can change what you want it to look like without printing a whole new thing! If you have a good light inside you should be able to have one side facing forward while the other projects out the back. Finally, the faces are printed flat so the designs are less limited by gravity.
I will continue to model and post new faces as I have time.
So far there's:
Jack Skellington from Disney's A Nightmare Before Christmas (by Tim Burton) [updated for ease of clip insertion]
Oogie Boogie from Disney's A Nightmare Before Christmas (by Tim Burton)
Galactic Empire Logo from Star wars
A traditional Jack o'Lantern Face
A Dia Del Los Muertos Skull
A silly face with a tongue sticking out
A homage to the Simpson's cyclops alien, Kang
The bio-hazard symbol
The Dark Knight logo
Colorado State University logo
Chestburster from Alien remixed from https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:500093
3 Eyed face inspired by the Toy Story Aliens
NOTE: The Chestburster remix hasn't been tested yet so I don't know how it will print, if the clips can hold it or if will throw off the balance of the jack o'lantern. Looks cool tho (thanks to #Geoffro 's awesome model https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:500093 ) and the mouth should glow since I added a tube there.
If you don't see what you want check out the Remixes:
I noticed that the projections weren't... awesome. This was partially due to the pumpkin walls being so thick and the edges weren't all angled towards a central point. To work around this, I added a "slide" concept, flat cut out that would attach like a Jack o'Lantern face. This gives a much better projection result and is faster to print.
I'm also posting a blank/solid face and slide so that you can either have a closed side or you can use it as your own template for creating a new face. It has an arrow to indicate which end is up and a groove to denote the usable space. I'm looking forward to see what you creative re-mixers come up with. To make make it easier, I exported the template as a DXF, SKP, and OBJ as well as an STL.
You need:
1 Mid Pumpkin
2 Faces (or 1 Face and 1 slide)
8 Clips (select the tighter margin clips if you have an accurate filament/printer or are enlarging the print)
1 Stem
NOTE: I posted a high rez no clips mid in case someone wants to do something crazy like print it at 300% with no infill and rig some magnets to hold the faces on. DO NOT use this STL if you are going to use the clips.
UPDATE: I have uploaded STEP files of the templates to make it easier to customize your own. Thanks to Product Design online for his excellent tutorial for converting mesh to solids in Fusion 360 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pgWWVcM5YJY
Finally, an LED tea light to light it up at night. I have a large (2 inch diameter) tea light and there's lots of room for it.
I used 3 sh...ells for the first one, but for the 2nd one I only used two and the light comes through more and makes the whole thing glow when using a super bright LED.
After printing, insert the 8 clips in the slots on the Mid Pumpkin piece. I recommend putting the stiffer end of the clip into the mid pumpkin so the clips don't pull out when you remove a face. Then line up the face with the clips and snap it on. Finally, screw on the stem.